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Main Module Training Videos

Main Module Training Videos

  • Blotter Module Video - This video will take you through the processing of a Blotter/Event Record from start to finish.
  •" class="external-link">Case Module Video - This video builds off the Blotter video noted above. You will learn how to create a Case record from an existing Blotter record and continue on with entering the remaining information required to produce a Case Incident Report.
  •" class="external-link"> Arrest Module Video - This video will show you how to create an Arrest record from an existing Case record. It builds from the Case record entered during the Case Module Video, so you should watch the Case video prior to this video.
  • Equipment Module - The following videos will demonstrate the functionality available to track the equipment being issued and returned during each tour.

  • Tasks - The following videos will demonstrate how the Task feature functions within the system.
    •" class="external-link">Part 1 - How to assign tasks to officers from a current record, how to monitor the progress of the task and how the task becomes part of the RMS record. We will also show how the end user receives the task and how tasks are monitored by the creator of the task.
    •" class="external-link">Part 2 - How to assign tasks to a user when the task is not part of an RMS record. For example, you want to send a task to an officer to schedule vehicle maintenance or some other function not related to an investigative case or call to service.