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System Customization Training Videos

  • Module Editor - This video will demonstrate the flexibility in configuring the Module Names and Record Sequence formats.
  • Basic Layout Editing - The following videos demonstrate some of the basic features provided within the system to allow each agency to 'customize' how they wish each data entry form to look and function.
    • Part 1 - How to setup default values that will populate into individual cells in modules.
    • Part 2 - How to setup individual cells so it will require information to be added by the end user. We will also demonstrate what will happen if a user tries to save a record without filling in required fields.
    • Part 3 - How to link a cell to a newly created dictionary created in dictionary setup.
    • Part 4 - How to link a cell to a dictionary and configure it to be a dropdown list.
    • Part 5 - How to to setup permissions for individual cells and tabs.
  • Advanced Layout Editing - The following videos demonstrate the level of customization available within the RMS system, so that you can configure the form layouts to best fit your department's needs. Below are some of the more advanced options available.
    • Part 1 - How to add an "Auto-Complete" Text Box.
    • Part 1 - How to rearrange order of tabs and fields on a form.
    • Part 1 - How to modify fields displayed in a data grid.