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Alerts are warnings or information that can be setup in the following modules records. Master Persons, Master Locations, Master Vehicles and Master Properties. User defined alerts will notify a user when they open a record with an alert set. Alerts will also be displayed in VCAD and AMO. The example shown here is for Master person’s but is the same procedure for the other modules.

Accessing Alerts UI:

  • Select which record you want to set an alert on.
  • Expand the left side bar shown above highlighted in yellow.

  • Click on the Alerts tab to open this UI.
  • Click Create New Alert.

  • Start Date – Optional
  • End Date – Optional Note: If no start and end date are entered, alert will stay in system until manually removed.
  • Alert Type
    • Info – user must manually expand left slide bar to view alert
    • Warning – Left slide bar automatically expands showing alert in red
    • Blind – user is unaware of the alert and an internal notification is sent to the creator or other person.
    • Contacts – User will receive and internal notification when a user views a record with a alert configured.

Canceling an Alert:

Alerts can be canceled one of two ways.

  • End date passes and alert automatically cancels.
  • The creator of the alert, can back date the end date by one day from the current date. User will get a popup notification advising the alert will be canceled.