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The RMS 3 Dashboard is the home, page and central navigation location to all other functions in the software.

Dashboard Overview:

  • Impact - Clicking on Impact from any location in the RMS 3 software will bring you to the dashboard. Also serves as a refresh to the database if any system changes are made.Making it unnecessary to log off and back into the software for those changes to take effect.

  • Modules:

    • Modules - Lists all of the modules the user has permission to access.

    Master Records Records:

    • - List all of the Master Records modules the user has permission to access.


    • Search - Access to Basic Search and Advanced Search functions.
    • Setup - RMS 3 Setup/Configuration modules and access to User Theme/User Dashboard settings.
    • Help - Access to Online Help and RMS 3 software version.
    • Logout - Logs you out of the software
    • Create Quick Access to create a new record.
    • Widgets - Located below the navigation bar are User defined Widgets.


    • Lists all available modules you have permission to access.

    Master Records:

    • Lists all Master Record Module you have permission to access.


    • Access to Basic Search and Advanced Search.


    • Access to System Setup function, User Theme, and user Dashboard.

      • Help


    • Access to Online Help and RMS 3 software version.

    • Bug Report should be used for recommended software enhancements only.



  • Logs you off of the RMS 3 software without closing the browser.

Create New Record:

  • Allows you to quickly create a new record.