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Sample Advance Searches

Address Search:

Address Search

Alarm Activity
Alarm Activity

Arrest by Category and Class

Arrest by category and class

Arrest by Date Range

Arrest by date range

Arrest Last 30 Days

Arrests last 30 days

Blotter by Call Type:

Blotter Call Type

Blotters by Address:

Blotters by address

Blotters by an officer:

Blotters by officer

Case by Law Section/Officer or Civilian:

Case by crime law officer or civilian

Case by Law Section/Officer:

Case by law section and officer

Custom Cell Search:

Custom Cell Search


Domestic Search

Juvenile Activity:

Juvenile Activity

Person by Name and DOB:

Person name and dob search

Phone Number Search:

Phone Number Search

Proerpty Search:

Property Search

Search by Age:

Search by Age

Vehicle Description:

Vehicle Description

Vehicle Partial Plate Search:

Vehicle Partial Plate Search

Vehicle Plate Search:

Vehicle Plate Search

Search by Victim/Offense

Victim and Offense Search

Warrants by Officer:

Warrants by Officer

Workload Status:

Workload Status