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Setup/Configuration Training Videos

  • Evidence/Property Room Locations - This video will demonstrate how to setup the hierarchy of levels within your property/evidence room and how to use those property locations within the system.
  • Geobase Records - This video explains how to demonstrate how to add, edit and delete street entries into your Geobase File and the benefit of setting up Geobase records.
  • Dictionary Setup - This video explains how to demonstrate how to add, edit and delete entries into the dictionaries that control the drop down lists that you see throughout the system.
  • Dictionary Attributes - This video explains how to assign attributes to dictionary values and how this works within the system. Attributes allow the assigning of custom dictionaries that the application will recognize.
  • Library Management - This video demonstrates how to add, edit or delete entries in the Law Dictionary and the Vehicle Dictionary.
  • Law Full Description Update Process - This video demonstrates how to update the law full description using the state API link.
  • Make Laws IBR and CLERY Reportable - This video will demonstrate how to go into Library Management and add or edit existing laws, so they become IBR and CLERY reportable using evaluate.
  • Module Editor - This video will instruct you on how to change module names and create custom record prefixes and rollover settings.
  • User Dashboard Setup - This video will instruct you on how to set up and customize a User Dashboard so that it's most efficient for each user.
  • User Theme Configuration - This video instructs you how to configure your individual User Theme (colors & fonts).
  • Schedule Jobs - Training video will explain how to setup schedule jobs to run reports and e-mail those reports to other recipients.