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Security Class Permissions

Security Class Training Video


       Allows the user to set permissions up based off a keyword that can be used in the Security Class drop down in a module or narrative.
The end user can then select a security type to either fully lock a record or narrative or partially lock a record based upon permission setup for the security class keyword.
For example, if Narcotics was set up in security class and selected in a record. Only users with Narcotics permission would be able to access those records or narratives.

  1. Select which security class you would like to set permissions on. Security Class names are configured in library setup.
  2. Individual user names added to current security class and permission.
  3. Group names added to current security class and permissions.
  4. Add a single user.
  5. Add a single group.
  6. Save changes to either user or groups.

Note: If no Users and/or groups are added to a security class, by default are set to have no access at all.

Security Class use in Modules:

  • Example of where you can configure a security class in a module. You will find this option in the module overview tab.

Security Class use in Narratives:

  • Example of where you can configure a security calls in a narrative.