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Case Module is generally used for documenting investigations into Crimes and Offenses. The module can be used to record all investigative narratives either by the officer or civilians. Case module will also record all offenses and gives the officer the ability to create accusatory Instruments for court.
Besides the investigative capabilities of the case module, it also serves and the reporting module for IBR and UCR reporting. If you are doing IBR reporting, the modules IBR checking will take you to the location of the error in addition to the text error messages.

Case Overview:

  • Case overview tab provides a synopsis for the user to show what this case record is about.

Translate to Domestic Incident:

  • From Case Overview tab, you can translate the case data into the Domestic Incident Module.

Translations from Case Persons:

  • From the case person tab you can translate the selected person and case data into an Arrest, Warrant or a Citation.



  • Only one Narrative Type should be listed as MAIN and will be used to print out on a report. Example NYS Incident Report.
    If more than one narrative is designated as Main, only the first narrative the system finds as MAIN will print out on the report and may not be the correct narrative.
    Other Narrative Types can be used multiple times.


Court Documents: