Department Setup
Sets default agency information to be used in all modules configures property/evidence locations and data sharing access.

Department Info
- Department Name.
- Department ORI Number.
- Default Prefix – Appears in Module record number for example NC-00001-17.
- Inactivity Timeout – Will log the user out of software if no activity is detected in the allotted time.
- Change Logo – Currently not used in reports but will be in the future.
Chief Info:

Chief Info
- Agency department head.
- Agency department head title.
Property Location Setup:

Property Location Setup
- Allows users to add property and evidence locations to be used in the property sections of various modules.
Property Location Editor:

Property Location Editor
- Add Location - Add a New Location for Example Police HQ, Sub Station, Court, Destroyed or just Evidence Room etc.
- Add Child - Adds an additional location/entry to the Location. This allows for designation for several property locations from the Main Location(s) Example: Police HQ/Shelf 1/ Bin 6. Gun Rack/ Slot 1 etc.
- Mark as Out of System. Allows to the flag a location as Out of System so that property does not show up on Property Location Reports. Examples: Destroyed, Removed from Inventory, Returned to Owner etc.
- Remove Out of System Designation - Removes the Out of System Designation if a location is flagged as Out of System.
- Delete - Deletes a property location or child entry.
Property Location Editor Expanded:

Property Location Editor
- Screen capture illustrates a location that has been expanded to show child/sub locations inside the main location.

- Add department address information and is also used to add default information to various fields in modules.
Report Settings:

Report Settings
- Enables or disables the Show Print Pre-view Dialog for Reports
Data Sharing Access:

Data Sharing
- Data Sharing Access allows you to access other agencies who are participating in data sharing.
- This is information is set up by Impact Operations.