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Uniform Appearance Ticket


This help topic will discuss the Universal Appearance Ticket that was released by DCJS on 12/19/20 and how to use it in RMS 3.

  • Screen capture illustrates the new Universal Appearance Ticket created by DCJS.

Address Information:

  • Address types of License and Mailing are used to populate the address information.
  • License - Populates the Address on the ID field
  • Mailing - Populates the Mailing Address on the mailing address field.
  • Checkbox for main is currently NOT used with the Appearance Ticket, but will be added in a future release.

Phone Numbers:

  • Phone number information is populated based on the phone types of Cell and Home.
  • A checkbox for main was also added to designate which is the current number to us if more then one of the same type is listed.
  • Main/Cell - Populates Cell Number
  • Main/Home - Populates Home Number


  • Email will populate using Email as a type.
  • Ability to select a Main E-mail address to use will be added in a future release.

Court Information:

  • Court address information is populated from the Return Court information located in Arrest/Overview.
  • The actual court address data is stored in Master Organizations.