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Allows Departments to add items to the department digital bulletin board for all members to view when they log onto the system. Bulletins can be configured by date range, days of the week and tour times.

Bulletin Index:

  • Allows users to search for existing bulletins.
  • Allows the creating of new bulletins.
  • Allows users to edit bulletins.
  • Live Bulletins that have already passed the start date cannot be edited, but can be stopped by changing the end date.

Bulletin Editor:

  • Start date which you want bulleting to be available for users to read.
  • Daily Start Time and Daily End Time. Example: you want the bulletin to viewable only from 0800 -1600 hours.
  • End date in which the bulletin will no longer be available to users to read.
  • Bulletin short description.
  • Bulletin long description or more detailed explanation.
  • Which days of the week to you want bulletin to be available.
  • Repeat bulletin based on X days from start day – All days of the week should be checked.
  • Show bulleting only on last day of the month – All days of the week should be checked.