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Equipment module enables a department to log equipment that gets issued to their members on a regular or semi-regular basis. Examples are Tasers, Assault Rifles etc. The module will track when the item was issued, returned and by whom.

Equipment Entry:

  • Equipment module is where you will enter your department equipment, that will be tracked as it gets checked out/in.
  • To add new equipment user will select Create New Equipment.
  • To edit/view an equipment item select view next to the equipment item you wish to access.

  • Above illustrates a blank the equipment UI, users will need to add information to Description, Serial Number, and Type.
  • Type is a dictionary that can be configured as needed by the police agency.

Equipment Status:

Screen capture illustrates an equipment item and its status.

Equipment Check Out:

  • Equipment Check Out tracks which officer is taking out equipment and when.
  • Items being taken out is the equipment items the officer is receiving and more than one equipment item can be selected for a transaction.
  • Once all items are selected, the user will then select Perform Check Out.

  • Last step is to confirm the user received the equipment, by entering the password for the user receiving the property confirmation.

Note: The logged in person can Check Out property for another user if they know that user's password or the person receiving the equipment can enter it in themselves.

Equipment Check-In:

  • Equipment Check-In will show all equipment currently check out when the officers entered their name.
  • Officer will select the checkbox under returned for each item checked in.
  • Items lost or misplaced will not get checked as returned.
  • Once a lost/misplaced item of equipment is located, the officer will select the Resolved checkbox and has the option to add a note at the bottom of the UI.

Final step in the Check-In process is to confirm the items being checked in by re-entering the logged in users password.

Disable Password verification for Equipment Transaction Check In/Out.

  • The need for a password verification for Check In/Out can be disabled in Permission Setup.
    • If Bypass permission is Unchecked for Equipment Transaction, password verification is enabled.
    • If Bypass permission is checked for Equipment Transaction, password verification is disabled.