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Master Person


Master Person module allows you to access all person records regardless of which module they were entered into. From the Master Person module, you can view all related records to the person, maintain photos, pedigree information and merge duplicate person records.

Master Person Index:

From the Master Person Index, you can search for a person by name, alias or by any user-defined custom searches.

Person Details:

Screen capture illustrates the person details tab which you first see when opening a person's record.

  • Master Record Merge - Merges duplicate person records.
  • Scan Barcode - Scan Driver License of the person.
  • Take Photo of A Person
  • Upload photos from external media.
  • Additional Information Tab
  • Related and Known Associates Tab
  • Person History


  • Download Zip - Downloads all attached photos to a zip file.
  • Take Photo - Access your web camera attached to your computer to obtain a real-time photo.
  • Upload - Upload a photo from your computer hard drive or attached media. Flash drive, digital camera etc.
  • Remove - Deletes the photo from the person's record.

Additional Information Tab:

Records all other information about the person other than pedigree information.

  • Military, School information
  • Probation/Parole
  • Mental Health and Drug history

Identifying Numbers:

  • Social Security, FBI, Sex Offender Risk Level and State ID Number etc.

Types of Drugs Used:

  • Illegal Drugs either currently using or previously used.

Network Identities:

  • Documents all social media and user account information

Miscellaneous Identities:

  • Documents other identifying information such as passport, corrections and any other user-defined entries.

Distinguishing Characteristics:

Documents all scars, marks, and tattoos on a person. Aliases:

  • Documents any nicknames, other false/previous names or other identifying numbers the user may use.

Associated Organizations:

  • Documents employment information
  • Gang information
  • Other associations such as Elks Club, Boys Scouts etc.

Related Records/Known Associates:

  • Documents all persons subject is known to associate themselves with or any related records.


  • If the person has any alerts manually configured or linked by other records "Warrants, Orders of Protection etc" the left slide window will open up and display those warnings.

Person History:

  • By expanding the left slide bar window, you can access the person's history tab. History Tab will show you all records that are related to the person.
  • There are two options for history, local records, and data sharing records. Local records will be your records, data sharing will be records from other departments who participate in Impact data sharing.