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RMS 3 Login


RMS 3 Login in page allows users to have access to the RMS 3 software and the ability to change their own password.
Users also have the option to log into the RMS 3 software in Offline mode, with allows access to records saved locally to the Desktop, laptop or tablet.

Password Overview
  1. Forgot password will send a temporary password to your internet or intranet email address.
  2. Change password allows you to change your password current known password.
  3. Offline mode allows you to log into the software when disconnected from your network to access records saved locally to your computing device.
  4. Login in UI.

Change password Ui:

Change Password

  • Used when you know your current password and want to change it to something else.

Reset Password UI:

Reset Password

  • Used when you forgot your password and need to have a temporary password emailed to you. The user will be forced to create a new password at login.