Basic Search
Unlike Advance Search which searches specific module(s), Basic Search will search the entire system.
You can narrow the search results by Appling Syntax’s to your search entry.

- Enter text to be searched.
- Search participating data sharing agencies
- Access Advanced Search UI.
Terms and Phrases
- A term is a single word such as “red” or “arson”
- A phrase is multiple words surrounded by quotes such as “the suspect wore a red hat”
- Using phrases will only match those exact words in that order, whereas using multiple single terms will match the words anywhere in the field.
Wildcard Searches
- To perform a single character wildcard search, use the “?” symbol (sm?th)
- To perform a multiple character wildcard search, use the “*” symbol (smi*)
Searching Specific Fields To search a specific field using the following syntax FieldName: SearchTerm.
For example, to search just the person last name field use Person.LastName:Smith. To search for more than one term use parentheses such as Narrative.Text:(red hat)
Boolean Operators
Terms and phrases can be joined together using the boolean operators AND or OR. They must be in all caps.
By default, multiple terms in the same search are connected with an OR. The NOT operator will exclude results that contain a term.
- red AND mustang – Returns all documents that contain the word red and the word mustang
- (“red hat” AND beard) OR (“blue hat”) - Returns all documents containing “red hat” and beard or containing “blue hat”
- Person.LastName:Smith AND Person.FirstName:John – Returns all documents containing a person with the last name of Smith and a person with the first name of John
- Person.LastName:Smith NOT Person.FirstName:Bob – Returns all documents containing a person with the last name of Smith but not a person with the first name of Bob