Library Editor
Library editor allows you to edit/update existing laws and vehicle types and to add your own laws either local or state. The editor is mainly used for maintaining your law library.
Library Editor Index

Library Management Index
- Select which library to manage Laws or Vehicles.
- Create a new entry.
- Edit an existing entry.
- Copy an existing entry into a new entry.
- To search for a Law, It's the Law Type, Space, Law Section/Subsection. Example PL 155.25.
Law Editor:

Law Editor
- Law type – PL = Penal Law, VTL = Vehicle and Traffic, CO = City Ordinance etc.
- Law Section.
- Law Subsection.
- Law Short Description.
- Full law description.
- Law Class -A, B, C, D, E.
- Law Category – V=Violation, F=Felony, M= Misdemeanor, I = Infraction.
- Law degree 1, 2 ,3 etc.
- Law Effective Date.
- Law Repeal Date.
- Law Unconstitutional Date.
- Attempted Category. - Also, see Article 110 NY Penal Code for correct entry.
- NCIC Code.
- IBR Code.
- CLERY Category – Only if you are required to report CLERY reports.
- CLERY Reportable – True or False.
- Local Law – True or False if a law is a local law – City, Town laws or State Laws we do not provide. Example: ABC, CPL etc
- UCR Code.
- Attempted Class. - Also, see Article 110 NY Penal Code for correct entry.
Impact only provides and updates Penal Law and Vehicle & Traffic Laws.
All NY State Law Codes can be looked up using the NYS Charge Code Manual and is available at