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Miscellaneous Topic Training Videos

  • Sealing Records - This video will demonstrate how to seal an entire record, a single person or a single offense. We will also demonstrate how to unseal a record.
  • Master Person Name Merge - This video explains how to merge duplicate entries in the Master Persons Module.
  • Audit Logs - This video will demonstrate how to search and print out the audit logs. We will also demonstrate how the audit logs keep track of changes in a record.
  • Scheduled Jobs/Reports - This video demonstrates the usefulness of setting up schedules jobs to run routine reports automatically and send those reports to Impact users or to an external e-mail address.
  • NIBRS/IBR Error Checking - This video demonstrates how to use the Evaluation function in RMS 3 to correct NIBRS/IBR errors.
  • NIBRS Tips and Tricks - This video demonstrates how to use the Evaluation function in RMS 3 to correct NIBRS/IBR errors.
  • NYS NIBRS/IBR Reference Manuals
  • Workflow - The following videos will demonstrate how to setup and utilize Impact's Workflow functionality available throughout the system.
    • Part 1 - How to enable Workflow within a module and how to manually change the status and send a report to another officer or supervisor.
    • Part 2 - How to setup and use transitions in Workflow.
    • Part 3 - How to add the Workflow widget to the user dashboard.
    • Part 4 - How to to enable Workflow Auto Start and how it works with Status Transitions. We will also demonstrate how to see the status of a report.
    • Part 5 - How to setup and monitor the status of other officers using the Workflow widget.
    • Part 6 - How to setup Workflow dictionaries and the two attributes that need to be setup to start and end a workflow.

    Additional Miscellaneous Topic Training Videos